Barry, Henry William
1st Prize, La Strategie, 1900-1902
8 + 8
15 | British Chess Magazine | 1911 |
3360 | Simple Two-move Themes | 1924 |
371 | The Chess Review | 1933 |
5064 | 100 Years of the American Two-move Chess Problem | 1962 |
5063 | Spectacular Chess Problems | 1965 |
102 | Probleemblad | 1974 |
5424 | Versunkene Schatze | 1998 |
23 | Die Schwalbe | 2003 |
268 | Chess Life | 2004 |
14868 | Pirnie Collection | 2011 |
5454 | Near Snap | 2021 |
This anticipates 142076(1931)
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