1844 | Chess Problems (Brown, Reginald A) |
1873 | Chess Problems by Theophilus A. Thompson |
1873 | Chess Problems by V. M. N. Portilla |
1874 | Chess Problems by John K Hanshew |
1876 | English Chess Problems |
1878 | Chess Chips |
1880 | Elementary Chess Problems |
1883 | 75 Chess Problems |
1883 | Chess Blossoms |
1886 | Chess Souvenirs |
1887 | 121 Chess Problems |
1887 | Chess Problem Text Book |
1890 | Chess Problems (Rayner) |
1897 | The Chess Bouquet |
1902 | 700 Chess Problems |
1902 | Schachminiaturen I |
1903 | Schachminiaturen II |
1906 | Aftonbladets Problemturneringar aren 1898-1904 |
1907 | Terms & Themes of Chess Problems |
1908 | 200 Chess Problems (Healey) |
1908 | 777 Chess Miniatures in Three |
1908 | 96 Schackproblem |
1908 | Ceske Melodie |
1909 | Knights and Bishops |
1912 | The Theory of Pawn Promotion |
1913 | Sam Loyd and His Chess Problems |
1913 | White to Play |
1914 | Robert Braune - Apotre de la Symetrie |
1916 | 300 Chess Problems |
1919 | All Change Here! |
1922 | The Good Companion Two-Mover |
1923 | Bohemian Garnets |
1924 | Adventures of my Chessmen |
1924 | Simple Two-move Themes |
1925 | Changing Fashions |
1931 | Mate in Two Moves |
1932 | HGM Weenink (Euwe/Niemeijer/Rueb/Trotsenburg) |
1933 | An English Bohemian |
1936 | Chess Cameos |
1938 | Friedrich Dubbe ein Deutscher Problemmeister |
1940 | Fifty Two-Move Problems |
1943 | Mededelingenblad |
1943 | The Enjoyment of Chess Problems |
1945 | How to Solve Chess Problems |
1945 | Thirty Three-Movers (Wenman) |
1945 | To Alain White |
1946 | One Hundred Published Problems |
1946 | Thirty Problems by Ehrenstein |
1947 | Probleemcomponisten V - G H Drese |
1948 | Olympic Ty. Award (1948) |
1949 | Soviet Chess Compositions (1945-1947) |
1949 | Walther Preiswerks Shachprobleme (M. Henneberger) |
1955 | Jan Knoppel Udvalgte Skakproblemer |
1957 | Some Problems For My Friends |
1960 | Sonatas in Chess |
1961 | FIDE Album (1956-1958) |
1962 | 100 Years of the American Two-move Chess Problem |
1963 | Chess Problems: Introduction to an Art |
1963 | Faszinierendes Schachproblem |
1964 | FIDE Album (1945-1955) |
1965 | Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 01 |
1965 | Spectacular Chess Problems |
1966 | FIDE Album (1959-1961) |
1966 | The Two-move Chess Problem Tradition and Development |
1967 | Hoekstenen |
1968 | FIDE Album (1962-1964) |
1968 | Kunstwerke auf 64 Feldern (1922-1966) (Ott, Kummer, Schudel) |
1968 | My Selected Chess Problems (Neumann) |
1968 | Problemschach (Sidler) |
1970 | An ABC of Chess Problems |
1970 | Classic Chess Problems by Pioneer Composers |
1970 | Kleinste Schachaufgaben Drei- und Viersteiner |
1971 | FIDE Album (1914-1944) (I) |
1972 | Chess Problem Gems by Eight Eminent American Composers |
1972 | FIDE Album (1914-1944) (II) |
1973 | Dobrodruzstvi 64 poli |
1974 | 154 norske miniatyrproblemer |
1974 | A Tribute to G F Anderson |
1974 | Galerie Ceskoslovenskych Skladatelu 12 |
1974 | Wurzburg Artistry |
1975 | 170 Skakopgaver (Jorgensen) |
1976 | Amatorproblem |
1976 | FIDE Album (1965-1967) |
1977 | FIDE Album (1968-1970) |
1978 | FIDE Album (1971-1973) |
1978 | Karl Junker: Ausgewahlte Schachaufgaben |
1979 | Vybrane Sachove Problemy |
1980 | Double Pin-Mate after a Black King Move |
1980 | FIDE Album (1974-1976) |
1980 | Kunstschach in der Schweiz |
1981 | Miniature Chess Problems from Many Countries |
1982 | Der Schach Komponist |
1982 | Hoegs skakproblemer |
1982 | Schaak-composities 1975-1979 (de Vuyst) |
1983 | Czech Album (1976-1978) |
1983 | Deceptive Chess Problems |
1983 | Fifty Chess Problems (Brian Tomson) |
1983 | The Art of Israeli Chess Composition |
1983 | Tividar Kardos: 200 ausgewahlte Schachprobleme |
1984 | Einfuhrung in die Welt des Schachproblem |
1984 | FIDE Album (1977-1979) |
1985 | Solving in Style |
1986 | Czech Album (1979-1981) |
1986 | Hans Ott Schachprobleme (Kummer) |
1988 | FIDE Album (1980-1982) |
1991 | 300 Sachmatu Uzdaviniu |
1992 | FIDE Album (1983-1985) |
1992 | Nuova Antologia dei Problemisti Italiani |
1992 | Svi Moji Sahovski Problemi (Djurasevic) |
1994 | Hans + Peter + Rehm = Schach |
1994 | Michael Keller Ein Meister der Schachkomposition |
1994 | Problemschach-Jahrbuch (1993) |
1994 | Schach fur Nussknacker |
1995 | Chess Problems for Solving |
1995 | Czech Album (1988-1990) |
1995 | FIDE Album (1986-1988) |
1995 | Mostly Three=Movers |
1995 | Problemschach-Jahrbuch (1994) |
1996 | 100 und ein Schachproblem von Siegfried Brehmer |
1996 | 200 Demanding Chess Puzzles |
1996 | 200 Intriguing Chess Puzzles |
1996 | Chess Wizardry: The New ABC of Chess Problems |
1996 | Complete Mansfield/I |
1996 | FIDE Album (1986-1988) (Annexe) |
1996 | Fun with Chess Miniatures |
1996 | The Chessboard Adventures of Norman Macleod |
1997 | A Tribute to G W Chandler |
1997 | Complete Mansfield/II |
1997 | FIDE Album (1989-1991) |
1997 | World Chess Solving Championship 1977-1996 |
1998 | Probleme de Sah |
1998 | Versunkene Schatze |
1999 | A Chess Philosophy of Otar Tabidze |
1999 | Complete Mansfield/III |
1999 | Probleme si studii alese |
1999 | Stanislav Trcala Sachovy odkaz |
1999 | The Sushkov Theme |
1999 | The Wizard of Oz |
2000 | Ausgewahlte Schachaufgaben von Heinz Zander |
2000 | Izbrannie Shakhmatnie Zadachi Marka Reitmana |
2000 | Miniatures canadiennes |
2000 | More Fun with Chess Miniatures |
2000 | Petkov Selected Compositions |
2000 | Problemschach-Jahrbuch (1999) |
2001 | Barnes about Chess Problems |
2001 | Czech Album (1995-1997) |
2001 | David Shire Selected Chess Problems |
2001 | FIDE Album (1992-1994) |
2001 | Problemschach-Jahrbuch (2000) |
2001 | Selected Stocchi (I) |
2001 | kunstschach (1987-1996) (Hoffmann) |
2002 | Gruengard MT Award |
2002 | Still More Fun with Chess Miniatures |
2003 | Chess Problem Spectrum |
2003 | FIDE Album (1992-1994) (Annexe) |
2003 | My Chess Compositions |
2004 | A selection of chess problems by G. C. Alvey |
2004 | Chess Problems by J H Barrow |
2004 | FIDE Album (1995-1997) |
2004 | FIDE Album (1995-1997) (Annexe) |
2004 | Frederick Gamage (Prcic) |
2004 | Selected Chess Compositions by Greek Composers |
2004 | Selected Stocchi (II) |
2005 | Selected Compositions of Julius Buchwald |
2006 | Mat Plus Special Issue |
2006 | Moje Sahovske Kompozicije (Markovic) |
2007 | Creative and Imaginative Chess Concepts |
2007 | Czech Album (2001-2003) |
2007 | FIDE Album (1998-2000) |
2007 | Holladay Chess Problems |
2008 | A Collection of Chess Problems by Touw Hian Bwee |
2008 | Andrej Ancin - Chess Compositions |
2009 | Chess Compositions (Taraba) |
2010 | Dan Meinking's Chess Problem Collection |
2011 | FIDE Album (2001-2003) |
2013 | FIDE Album (2004-2006) |
2013 | Seleccion de Problemas de Dante Hugo Rizzetti (Kapros) |
2014 | Bedwards Best (Brian Edwards) |
2015 | Izbrani Shakhovski Problemi (Denkovskis) |
2015 | Selected Chess Problems of Colin Sydenham |
2016 | Atelier 64 (Maslar) |
2016 | schachkunst (1997-2010) (Hoffmann) |
2017 | 10. WCCT Award |
2021 | Close Encounters with the Chess Pieces (Avner) |
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